Clinical study on laser treatment of posterior capsular opacification and corneal endothelial cell loss 后囊混浊激光治疗与角膜内皮细胞丢失的临床研究
The history of surgical procedures for treatment of obesity would strongly suggest that apposition of the anterior and posterior walls of the stomach alone will not result in sustained weight loss. 手术治疗肥胖的发展史强有力地表明了仅仅将胃的前后壁缝合并不能导致持续的体重下降。
Results The MRA images of traumatic posterior shoulder instability were classified into 3 types: type ⅰ: separation without displacement, type ⅱ: incomplete avulsion and cystic lesion, type ⅲ: complete avulsion and enlarged posterior pouch and loss of contour. 结果创伤性肩关节后方不稳定MRA影像表现分为三型:Ⅰ型为后侧关节囊轻度分离,没有移位,伴盂唇损伤;Ⅱ型为不完全撕裂,囊性变;
Results During poeration, posterior capsular tear and vitreous body loss occurred on 1 eye ( 9.1%); 结果在术中仅有1只眼出现晶状体后囊破裂、玻璃体丢失,占9.1%;
Whereas posterior capsular was damaged and vitreous body was loss in 3 eyes ( 3.3%) and the operations were finished in retrobulbar anesthesia. 后囊膜破损玻璃体丢失率3.3%(3只眼),术中追加球后麻醉,方完成手术。
Unscented Kalman filter ( UKF) is utilized to select particles, rendering smaller number of particles to approximate the posterior probability distribution, thus converging at global minimum of experimental loss function. 采用无迹卡尔曼滤波(UnscentedKalmanFilter,UKF)产生粒子,以较少的粒子逼近状态的后验概率分布,搜索到经验风险函数的最小值。
The problems of the Optimal robust Bayes estimation of Scale-Parameter for the Two-parameter Weibull distribution under the Type-ⅱ censoring Life Test are discussed using the Г-posterior expected loss as the criterion. 以Г-后验期望损失作为标准,研究了定数截尾试验下两参数Weibull分布尺度参数θ的最优稳健Bayes估计问题。
Results: Posterior capsule rupture occurred on 30 eyes ( 6 98%) and vitreous loss occurred on 7 eyes ( 2 79%). 结果:术中后囊破裂30眼(6.98%),并发玻璃体外溢13眼(3.02%)。
And we can see that in the special case of c → 0, the best estimator under exponential loss function is also the mean of the posterior structure function, which corresponds to the classical exact credibility result using a quadratic loss function. 最后我们可以看到,指数损失函数下的最优贝叶斯估计在特殊情况下(c→0的极限情况)就是经典的平方损失函数下的最优贝叶斯估计。
Results: Posterior capsule rupture and vitreous loss occured on 19 eyes ( 8.2%), PC-IOL intracapsular implantation was performed on 10 eyes and PC-IOL suture fixation on 9 eyes. 结果:术中后囊破裂19眼(8.2%),均合并玻璃体脱出,10眼直接植入后房型人工晶体,9眼行后房型人工晶体缝线固定。
Finally, the optimal Bayes robust credible set and the optimal Bayes robust point estimator of the failure rate X are discussed using the r-posterior expected loss under the squared error loss as the criterion. 最后,以平方损失下的Γ-后验期望损失为判别准则,讨论了指数寿命型产品失效率的最优Bayes稳健区间估计,导出了指数寿命型产品失效率的最优Bayes稳健点估计。
Widening the middle and posterior part of the longitudinal fissure may be an associated sign of serious cerebral tissue/ white matter loss. 大脑纵裂中后份增宽是重度脑组织丧失的征象;
The influence of unilateral posterior teeth loss on the electromyography of masticatory muscles 单侧后牙缺失对咀嚼肌肌电图的影响